The D4AMS (Dashboard for Alternative Mobility Scenarios) is an online dashboard that showcases the results of simulations of mobility scenarios for four different European cities.

It gives insights into the impact of street closures or shared mobility hubs, on traffic flows and modal splits.

Answering questions such as

Would a street closure lead to more car traffic and less bicycle traffic, or just the other way around?

It helps practitioners and city authorities to explore the spatial traffic impacts and modal outcomes of mobility interventions and in this way supports them to imagine mobility alternatives for exploring future policies.

Four case study cities are explored: Ghent, Bologna, Amsterdam and Munich.

Dashboard for Alternative Mobility Scenarios

How does it work?

Four different scenarios are displayed for each city.

For each scenario, a comparison is made with the BAU situation, illustrating the difference in car traffic flows and in modal shares.

What can I learn from this for my city?

Although in this dashboard this is only done for four case study cities, it also gives insights for other cities. By comparing the maps, one can learn about the directions of the impacts of street experiments and shared mobility hubs. For example, from the case study Ghent, we can learn that implementing street closures across the city will results in an overall decrease in car traffic, more pronounced on the ring roads. As well, providing more car-sharing hubs might increase overall car traffic. As simulations for the other case study cities show similar outcomes, we can expect that these trends might also occur in other cities.

Based on these findings and on a workshop with the City of Ghent, we outline some key findings and insights for local governments.

On the Methodology page, you can find out more about the methodology applied and the data used!